Selling Cell Tower or Cell Site Leases
If you have not been contacted to sell your cell site lease, it is just a matter of time. There are numerous lease buyout companies who are looking to purchase the ground lease rights under the cell sites on your property or rooftop. Cell Tower Attorney can help you understand the differences between the offers being made and what the ramifications will be legally to you should you sell your lease.
There are a number of questions that you should ask yourself prior to selling:
- What is the long term impact of selling my lease?
- What happens to the lease when it expires?
- Will the sale of the lease be detrimental to the operation of my business or home?
- Who gets the upside of the lease if it is renegotiated at the original expiration?
- How does the buyout agreement impact your ability to terminate the lease if the carrier breaches the lease?
- Who has the burden of maintaining the lease area?
- Can the lease buyout company sublease to other carriers?
- Does the lease prevent you from leasing to other carriers yourself?
- What is the impact of a perpetual easement?
- What responsibilities do you have after the sale of the lease?
If you cannot answer these questions, please address them with your attorney. If your attorney is not familiar with these agreements, feel free to contact us with cell tower lease buyout questions. We have assisted clients with reviewing these agreements and understand what issues are important to both you and the lease buyout companies. Because we have worked with these agreements, our attorneys can advise you on the practical and legal implications of agreeing to sell your leases. Furthermore, we can help you protect your property in the future as technology changes.
If you represent a municipality that has been approached to sell your cell sites, please consider contacting Steel in the Air to receive an unbiased review of your cell site lease purchase offer details.
Please see more details regarding the proposed agreements by the lease buyout companies and some of the common terms that are included within their template purchase agreements.