Legal Service for Landowners
If you have been approached by someone offering to lease a portion of your property or rooftop for telecommunications purposes, your property most likely has certain attributes (i.e. its height relative to other surrounding buildings, proximity to high traffic roads or frequented destinations, or lack of other viable options) that are deemed valuable to enhancing a carrier cell phone network.
In general, the telecommunications industry is a niche industry as well as a specialized area of practice within the legal profession. Accordingly, an uninformed landowner approached by a publicly traded cell site carrier may not be negotiating "at arm's length". At Cell Tower Attorney, we can "level the playing field" by sharing our industry knowledge and experience in negotiating many similar agreements directly with the carriers. Our staff has negotiated many new cell site leases with the largest telecommunications companies such as Sprint Nextel, Verizon, T-Mobile, Cingular, and Metro PCS. We understand what issues are of concern to the carriers and where they are likely to exhibit flexibility.
Contact us for more information.
Please note that Sprint Nextel, TMobile, Cingular, Verizon, MetroPCS, Northrop Grumman,Clearwire, US Cellular, Cricket Wireless, and SBA Communications are registered trademarks of each company respectively. Cell Tower Attorney is not affiliated with any of these companies. If you have found this website while trying to contact any of these companies, please click on the company names to be taken directly to their websites.